• What is SEO & SEM?

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of adjusting a website to improve its visibility in search engines under the natural (a.k.a. unpaid or organic) search results.

    Search engine marketing (SEM) is paid advertising that appears next to or above unpaid search results. AdWords is a form of search engine marketing. Please note that advertising on Google does not in any way affect the ranking of a website in natural search results.

  • What do we do?


    Hyperlink Optimization

    Title, Alt & Meta Tag Optimization

    Sitemap & XML Sitemap Generation

    Right Keyword Density

    Proper Linking Structure

    Google, facebook & linkedin ads

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Discover the benefits of SEO for your website

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid search results. In general, higher ranked on the search results page and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.

On Page Optimization

Improve your company's ranking in search engines by enhancing individual web pages on your website.

Off Page Optimization

Optimize your website off page by directory listings, video submissions, micro blogging, and much more.

Link Building & Content

Get external pages to link to your website and increase incomming traffic to your web pages.

Keyword Analysis

By researching your market's keyword demand, you can not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.

Content Optimization

Providing essential data to search engines to be used to determine what your business is all about.

Image Optimization

Optimize images by making them as small as possible – in terms of download size – by using the right image compression. A well-optimized image also has the right name and alt text.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

With SEM you pay only when there are clicks on your ads. The key advantage with SEM is the control you have over when your site shows up, what you highlight in your ad texts, and how much you want to pay. Results are much easier to measure and tend to be more immediate.

Google ads search results

Picking specific keywords

When people search the web, they tend to use specific phrases like “yoga studio in Springfield,” rather than general ones like “yoga.” So, when it comes to selecting keywords, be specific, and keep your ads (and budget) targeted to the most interested people.

Try out multiple ads

Ads, like keywords, help people decide if your business is what they’re searching for. If you offer several different products or services, creating a unique ad for each one is a good idea. A yoga studio, for example, might want to create one ad for beginners and another for more advanced classes.

Target specific locations

SEM makes it easy to put your message in front of people anywhere in the world. You can use geo-targeting to show your ads in a particular area, whether it’s a city, region, country or specific distance from your business.

Ad types

Gmail ads, display ads, Youtube ads, Image and video ads, mobile specific ads, advertise next to Google search results

Bidding Management

Focus on getting clicks, impressions, conversions, or views to determine which strategy is best for you.

See how your ads are doing

Get reports on how many people are shown your ads, visit your website, or call your business. You can even target specific types of people if your business is specialized.

Google Display Ads

Display Ads

With text and banner ads across Gmail and a network of over two million websites and apps, your ad can show up where your customers are.

Google Video Ads

Video Ads

Your business comes to life in front of new customers on YouTube. It’s a unique way to share your story.

Google Search Ads

Search Ads

Your ad appears next to search results on Google. Talk about good timing.

Google App Ads

App Ads

Promote your app by running ads across the entire Google network.