e-commerce Q and A


Q. Do I need a trade license to start an e-commerce store in the U.A.E.?
Yes, a valid trade license is required to run a e-commerce website in the U.A.E. There are trade licenses specifically for e-commerce in many Free Zones.


Q. What do I get in the Hosting & Support (1 yr.) package?
This package is mainly for those who are looking to host their e-commerce project and require solution & technical support. We provide solution support of up to a maximum of 100 support hours during the first 3 months of your yearly contract. Additional support packages can be purchased.
Q. How many products can I add in my e-commerce online store?
The number of products that can be added are unlimited if you go with an Open Source e-commerce solution but if you choose a SaaS e-commerce provider their plan features may vary.
Q. Is VAT option included in the e-commerce solution?
Yes, you can specify a VAT percentage for any product you add.
Q. What is solution support in your mentioned plans and what does it include?
Solution support includes the following activities:
  1. Addition/Updating/Editing of products
  2. Basic modifications to your e-commerce template
  3. Creation and addition of graphics to your e-commerce store
  4. Sales & stock reporting
  5. Analytics reporting & support
  6. Content updates & styling
Q. What reports are available in the e-commerce platform?
There are multiple reports available depending on your chosen solution. Listed below are sample reports found in PrestaShop Open Source e-commerce solution.
  • Available quantities
  • Best categories
  • Best customers
  • Best-selling products
  • Sales and orders
  • Search engine keywords
  • Visits and Visitors
  • Stats Dashboard
Q. Do you do custom reports?
Yes, custom reports are chargeable depending on the complexity of the report.
Q. What are the benefits of SaaS e-commerce solution?
A SaaS e-commerce solution is the quickest route to launching your e-commerce based business. If you are new to e-commerce and are looking to try the online market for your products & services this is a good choice. There are no long-term commitments and setting up is simple & straight forward. We provide all assistance & support with setting you up on a SaaS e-commerce solution. Send us a request and we can discuss what's best for you within your budget.
Q. What are the benefits of Open Source e-commerce solution?
Open Source e-commerce solutions are highly customizable. You can add custom reports, choose from hundreds of templates available (free and paid), add modules to extend features & much more. Another major benefit is the yearly recurring cost is only for the hosting & domain.

Payment Gateways

Q. What is a payment gateway and why do I need it for my e-commerce store?
A payment gateway is an e-commerce service that processes online credit card payments. It is an optional addition to your e-commerce solution and is required only if you will be accepting online credit card payments.
Q. Do you do integration with payment gateways?
Yes, we do integration with all major payment gateway providers in the U.A.E.
Q. Do payment gateway providers have specific requirements in the U.A.E.?
Yes, requirements will vary from provider to provider. As an example, below is a list of requirements from one provider.
  1. A legal entity and valid trade license in UAE matching the same activity of the website is required.
  2. Passport, Visa and Emirates ID copy of the owners and the partners.
  3. Memorandum of association (with the amendments) or Articles of Association.
  4. 3 months latest company bank statement. In case of a new bank account, you can provide us the bank verification letter that can be obtained from the bank branch.
  5. A separate website or an application, as we do not support Facebook/ Instagram pages.
Q. How long does it take for the verification process to complete?
Verification time depends on the provider and can take up to a month.
Q. What are the fees for payment gateway providers?
Pricing varies from proider to provider. See the table below listing starter packs for some of the top providers in the region.
Please note: Any setup fees mentioned for the providers below are to be paid to them and are not included in our e-commerce plans.

Provider Setup Fee Monthly Fee (Yearly) Commission
(per transaction)
Processing Fee
(Per Transaction)
Yearly fee Calculated comission &
processing fee paid on
5 transactions of AED500
Telr AED0 AED349 (AED4,188) 0% 0% AED4,188 AED0AED0
Payfort AED0 AED99 (AED1,188) 2.65% AED0.75 AED1,188 AED70 AED0
2checkout AED0 AED0 3.90% AED1.75 AED0 AED106.25 AED0
Cybersource AED200 AED75 (AED900) 0% 0% AED900 AED0 AED0
Network International AED3,000   2.59% AED1.75 AED2,500 AED73.50 AED100,000
Tap AED6,000   3.95% AED1.75   AED103.75 AED0
Last updated: November 2017
Q. How will I receive payments?
Payment gateway providers associate a bank account with your profile and make monthly transfers to it once the value of transactions exceed a certain minimum threshold e.g. AED500.


Q. How can I accept Cash On Delivery (COD) payments?
You will have to partner with a local courier company. Delivery rates vary but typically are between AED15-20. We will integrate any solution provided by your chosen shipping partner (where feasible) provided there is a module available or clear documentation & steps for integration.
Last updated November 2017